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14 Dec

Wild Protected Cats: How long they will get disturbed?

WEBINAR FANTASIA“Wild Protected Cats: How long they will get disturbed?” Indonesia’s wild-protected cats are facing threats every years that affected their existence.  Kucing liar dilindungi di Indonesia selalu mengalami ancaman setiap tahunnya sehingga eksistensi dari kucing liar dilindungi ikut terancam. Isu penurunan...

December 14, 2021
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17 Nov

What happened to Sumatran Tiger “Batua”?

What happened to Sumatran Tiger “Batua”? On 16th August 2021, people were shocked by the news that questioning on the releasing of sumatran tiger “Batua”, sometimes called an “Kyai Batua”. It is a pity that the news was published only contain of public statement without any clarification from related...

November 17, 2021