You can help us saving the Indonesia's Last Tiger

by ensuring the activities and programs of sumatran tiger conservation are running

Your donation will help Forum HarimauKita and other partners to actively keep the existence of sumatran tiger in the wild. Your donation and support would help us running those programs below.

Population Monitoring

Population monitoring of sumatran tiger in the wild would be conducted in several activities. Such as direct-individual measurement through finding the footprint and other signs of tiger and could also be done by identifying photos and videos which captured by the camera trap.   

Snare Removal

Snare is one of the major threats against sumatran tiger population. Snare causes physical disability or even death for sumatran tiger if their get trapped. Snare removal is become the effective way to reduce the number of tiger being hunted. 


Producing and spreading a creative information to public in term of preserving the sumatran tiger. This activity could be done in-person or online via digital platform in order to engage more people attention. 

If you want to begin donation or want to know more about this program, please feel free to call us through:

+62 251-8347-847


Forum HarimauKita is exclusively provide several types of merchandise as our effort to spread the conservation messages toward people. The revenue from this selling program will be allocated to support sumatran tiger conservation programs.

Tumbler Harimau


Kaos Rimeung (T-Shirt)


Mockup Totebag_White Background



Shoping Bag


Bag Tag


Neck Pillow (for kids)



  • Price does not include shipping fee.
  • *Price may vary for different size
  • Fill the form below to start purchasing. Thank you. 

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