Tanggapan Kasus Kematian Harimau Sumatera di Medan Zoo
Tanggapan Forum HarimauKita terhadap Kasus Kematian Harimau Sumatera di Medan Zoo Baca Informasi Lainnya
Global Tiger Day: Celebrating Achievements and Reflecting on Lessons Learned in Conservation aims to mark the annual Global Tiger Day by highlighting significant collective efforts made in tiger conservation worldwide. This event highlights the importance of preserving one of the planet’s most iconic and endangered species. Participants will learn the successes achieved across tiger range countries, such as increasing tiger populations, effective anti-poaching initiatives, and community-led conservation projects. These accomplishments not only showcase the effectiveness of dedicated conservation efforts but also serve to inspire continued commitment to the cause.
Tanggapan Forum HarimauKita terhadap Kasus Kematian Harimau Sumatera di Medan Zoo Baca Informasi Lainnya
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Location: Perumahan Bumi Indraprasta I Jl. Arimbi 1 No. 2 Bantarjati, Bogor Utara, Kota Bogor 16153
Phone: +62 251-8347-847
Email: info@harimaukita.or.id
Openning hours: Senin - Jum'at 09:00 - 17:00 WIB