Keep the Wildlife Wild



“Forest has become the crucial resource for anybody, home for animals, and place for many germpalsm. If we concur that forest is the only best habitat for tiger and other wildlife, then there is no other choice instead of protecting and turn it back green with its original plants”

Forest and tiger are bond closely with human, exist in every element around us. This year, Global Tiger Daya will commemorate with the title “Keep the Wildlife Wild“.

The use of internet is infinity, making this issue goes viral has to put in priority. Unsconciously, every “click” that we made on internet and social media affecting sumatran tiger and other wildlife population in the wild.

Internet and social media are become one of trigger to cause scaling up wildlife trade activity. How come?

Unsconciously, sometime we take part in promoting the use of wildlife body part which is literally obtained through killing and illegal transaction. 

One “click” to like or share a post in a certain account that exploited wildlife under conservation alibi could also influence people interest to adopt and use the wildlife body part.


is the hashtag used in this Global Tiger Day 2022 to remind people that a little act on internet will massively impact on sumatran tiger and other wildlife conservation

click figure to download



Intiative on Enormous Campaign
with inserting a conservation element in our daily life such as enviro-friendly action


Memorialize the Global Tiger Day
as an accomplish moment to gather, discuss and act for environment 


As an action for our Environment 
together with partner to spread out conservation messages


Urge invitation for People
to participate in Indonesia’s wildlife conservation action

Event Series on GTD 2022 in Indonesia

Banda Aceh 
Talkshow, Competition, and Public Campaign 
29-31 July 2022

School Visit in 6 Villages
21-23 July 2022

Seminar, Competition, and Theatrical
20-29 July 2022

Bandar Lampung 
Training on Camera Trap Installment 
03 July 2022

Bike Cats Festival (Education Festival, Talks, Funbike, and many more)
29 – 31 July 2022

Banda Aceh 
Talkshow, Competition, and Public Campaign 
29-31 July 2022

School Visit in 6 Villages
21-23 July 2022

Seminar, Competition, and Theatrical
20-29 July 2022

Bandar Lampung 
Training on Camera Trap Installment 
03 July 2022

Bike Cats Festival (Education Festival, Talks, Funbike, and many more)
29 – 31 July 2022

Call for Action

Let support sumatran tiger conservation by recording your statement (video format) using your native language with below message

“I committed to protect tiger in the wild by…

(e.g: …riding a bycicle to reduce carbon footprint (pollution)/ planting trees/ reporting any harassment content or trade on wildlife in social media/ so on)

…Keep the Wildlife Wild”

Send your raw video (no need to edit) to us by clicking down button

"Participate with all you have, cause a little act we made will impactful if done by together"

Send Message
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Halo Sahabat Tiger!
Jika ada pertanyaan silahkan disampaikan kepada kami secara langsung melalui pesan ini. Kami akan segera merespon pesan yang anda kirimkan.

Hi Tiger Friends!
If you have any queries, feel free to send us your concern directly via this message platform. We will be in touch with you soon.